Lost Knowledge
Debbie West
Michael Hathaway
About Lost Knowledge
”We Are in a Holographic Universe of Sentient Beings Coexisting in Multiple Realities”
LOST KNOWLEDGE RADIO SHOW AIRS ON Saturday 2pm CST on Revolution Radio at Freedom Slips Studio A
Deborah West and Michael Hathaway co-Host and co-write Lost Knowledge Articles, Radio show, and Blog, which examine the new reality of multi species existence on and off the earth and our ability to expand our position in the universe as sovereign beings.
LOST KNOWLEDGE gives expert commentary on topics related to interaction with other beings beyond third dimensional Earth, as well as soul development, human origin, ancient wisdom and expanded consciousness. Emphasis is placed on disclosing without fear or conspiracy the true nature of mankind's interaction with other species and on how to co exist as a human being in the higher dimensional state as a peaceful society. Lost Knowledge helps you understand how to integrate galactic energies with the new multidimensional Earth, how to communicate telepathically with other beings and ways to safely explore the universe and all it's life force energies.
Prophecies of the ascended beings that are currently underway highlight that the shift to a higher level of consciousness expands mental awareness, allowing access to expanded knowledge lost from ancient and star cultures. Lost Knowledge focuses on revealing humanity’s vast potential for existence in the Greater Community of races in the universe as a higher dimensional species. Lost Knowledge will empower humanity to use the opportunity of ascension to create peace within and transmit the light based frequency to intergalactic unity.
Deborah West’s background is in corporate public relations where she wrote articles on NASA’s Mars Rover and Hubble Space Telescope, BAE Unmanned Systems and Integrative health care and sustainable energy. She is currently doing investigative journalism reporting on a wide variety of topics including our cosmic culture, the multi dimensional universe, lost knowledge within our ancient civilizations and disclosure. She is working on her first book with co-host Michael Hathaway entitled Idiots Guide to Disclosure, focused on the real origin of mankind, the reality of the existence of alien life and the shift in humanity’s consciousness. Her favorite article was published in the Nov 2012 issue of Austin All Natural about the Dead Sea Scrolls and the erroneous compiling of historical religious text. She loves working with Earth Representatives from Star Nations like Sirius and Pleadies. Her column Lost Knowledge can be found on sites including CNN iReport, Waking Times, Exo News, UFO Digest, Altheadlines, Alternate Perceptions, Ashtar Commard, and SERI Worldwide. .
Michael Hathaway has authored over a dozen top selling books on soul growth, psychic attunement and past lives including It’s Time to Simplify Your Soul’s Code, Idiots Guide to Past Life Regression, Everything Guide to Lucid Dreaming, & The Everything Psychic Book. He is one of the most respected regression hypnotists in the country and is highly sought after speaker, therapist and presenter. He is a contributor at The New Era Times where you can find his daily podcast, Message from the Mountain. He is also a gifted musician and has produced several meditation CD's.
Michael has recently publsihed his first two fiction books, Mystery in the Dreamhouse and The Deul which can be found on Amazon.com. Michael runs the White Mountain Hypnosis Center that attracts seekers from all over the galaxy. It is located on his private Mountain Retreat in New Hampshire where he has spent many lifetimes assisting Earth's evolution thru intergalactic communication.
He is available to do private sessions, workshops or presentations for your group and can be reached by phone at 603-367-8851 or email at Michaelhathaway@roadrunner.com His web site is http://www.whitemountainhypnosiscenter.com/