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Lost Knowledge

Listen every Sat at 2pm CST to Lost Knowledge 

On Revolution Radio Studio A

Replays on our UTube Channel

"Making Fifth Dimension Your Reality"

”We Are in a Holographic Universe of Sentient Beings Coexisting in Multiple Realites"

Scientific Proof of the Existence of the Soul

 Michael Hathaway, is the  author of 10 books on psychic development, past lives, regression, hypnosis and spirituality including It’s Time to Simplify Your Soul’s Code . He is a board certified Past Life Regression Therapist and  one of the most respected hypnotists in the country. Mr. Hathaway’s book “It’s Time to Simplify Your Soul’s Code”, is an easy how-to guide for discovering your unique special purpose to enrich your life experience by delving into the aspects of higher self and soul contracts. 

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